other videos

  The song i am choosing is drunk face and it is by the artist Machine gun Kelly. 

Other videos i have watched by machine gun Kelly:

I think i'm ok- In this video there is a face pace to the editing which suits the fast paced song. Not only does it include multiple short video clips but also snap shots, this makes it seem more realistic as it is as if these are photos taken within a party. 


Candy- This song has a slower pace to it so the video clips are much longer and slower. They use different cameras for different shots which gives the video a much older retro feel to it.  The video also doesn't start with the song there is a clip before the song starts this makes the story behind the music video more believable. 


forget me too- Forget me too is a fast paced song about forgetting your ex, the video pairs very well with the song as there are many fast and slow pace shots and clips. the editing of the song is too the beat constantly to the beat making the video much more enjoyable to watch. The characters in the video were also very good making the story behind the music believable and draws the viewers in making them watch the whole video.



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